DB13 - Belgian Blond Ale
15 March 2023

DB13 - Belgian Blond Ale
(The Belgians spell blonde without the 'e')
Available from this Saturday (18th March):
Draught exclusively from the Tap Yard.
Limited stock of takeaway 1 litre bottles from the shop and
Our 6.5% Belgian-style blond ale is an easy-drinking beer with a
subtle hop bitterness. Enjoy spicy clove, cinnamon, and banana
aromas and lightly spicy hop flavours.
In very exciting news, half of the DB13 brew will be filled into
two 200 litre Harrow & Hope Brut Reserve barrels and aged for
3-6 months (est.).
Appearance: Golden yellow. Large, dense, and creamy white head.
Good head retention with Belgian lace.
Aroma: Notes of clove, cinnamon, and banana.
Flavour: Grainy-sweet malt flavour initially but finishes
medium-dry with some smooth alcohol becoming evident in the
aftertaste. Medium hop and alcohol bitterness to balance. Lightly
spicy hop flavour. Soft yeast character, lightly spicy.
High carbonation, bubbly. Medium body. Light to moderate alcohol
warmth, but smooth.