IPA Strength Change
28 September 2023

IPA Strength Change
In line with the recent government duty changes aimed at
promoting lower strength products, we have decided to marginally
reduce the strength of our IPA down to 3.4% from 3.7%.
12 months ago, we tasked our brewers with the job of achieving
this minor change with the sole objective being that it had to
taste the same and as good as it has always done. With extensive
trials internally and significant blind tastings ,on regular IPA
drinkers, we are pleased to announce that we are absolutely
confident that we have successfully mirrored the 3.7% IPA.
As with any naturally fermented artisan beer, it would not be
unusual for historic IPA brews to vary in abv. Consequently, you
would have drunk IPA at 3.4% on many occasions and hence our
confidence in making this minor adjustment.
This change will be happening from Monday October
2nd, if you would like any further information do not
hesitate to contact us on 01628 476594.
Q & A's
Will it taste the same?
Yes, we have been trailing it internally and both in our tap
Yard for over 12 months and are absolutely confident that it tastes
the same. The minor variance in ABV is well within the spec of the
3.7% IPA and on many occasions, IPA would have been produced at
3.4% historically. This is why we are sure that the changeover will
be seamless.
Will there be a cost benefit to me?
We will be having our annual price increase in November and will
look then to see if there is any scope to lessen the IPA increase
at that stage.
When will it happen?
The trials have been ongoing for 12 months and we are officially
changing over on Monday 2nd October.
Why is the ABV changing?
The government's recent duty changes and particular directive to
promote lower strength beers plus cost increases are affecting the
whole industry. This minor change will help us align with the
governmental preferred alcohol policies and negate some of these